Conquer and Colonize Ulbuka in the new Final Fantasy XI Expansion

With “Seekers of Adoulin,” Final Fantasy XI’s newest expansion, right around the corner, Square Enix has released some new info on it.

As a colonist within the primeval land of Ulbuka, you will find yourself assisting six pioneer Coalitions by settling and exploring the vast wilderness outside the city of Adoulin. These six coalitions will prosper so long as they have the support of enough adventurers. Out in the frontier, you’ll find yourself frequenting many-a-bivouac in order to see that settling the wilds go smoothly.

This isn’t as easy as you would think though. The lands of Ulbuka are alive. Various Reives will put your skills to the tests as flora and fauna conspire to bring your adventuring days to an early end. Not only will you face off against hordes of territorial enemies, the Naakuals, but the land itself will be your foe. You’ll need to work together to overcome these challenges, such as creating a bridge over a miasma-marred marsh to further the colonization campaign.

As you venture further into the East, you may come across a Skirmish. These will whisk you away to a simulacrum of Ulbuka. Triumph over its challenges have their own special rewards for the daring adventurers that brave them.

Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin will be available on March 26, 2013 for PC and XBox 360. There will also be a new Ultimate Collection available on the same day for PC and XBox 360.


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